As most of you who know me already know...G and I have many kids. Furry ones, that is. We have 2 dogs - Dixie and Sammy. And we now have seven cats. Yes...that's right. Seven. Nermil, Isabella, Rowdy, Sola, Spunky, Angel and introducing.......Emiko!!
I know, I know! G made me promise that I wouldn't bring another kitten into this household. In fact, I think his exact words were, "If you bring another cat in this house...I'm breaking up with you." Yeahhhhh well. See...what happened was...our neighbor has two cats that she lets run around outside. Two female cats. That aren't fixed. Well, it just so happened that both of them got pregnant about 3 weeks apart. Well, our lovely, neglectful, irresponsible neighbor decided to just leave every one of those baby kittens outside even though she "claims" that she's going to find homes for all of them. So, of course, me being the sap that I am...I've been going out there every single day with kitten food and fresh water. *sigh* I know...I should have just left it alone. But I can't help it!! I've always been a sucker for baby kittens (obviously), and these little balls of gray fur were just to die for! I am...going outside twice a day feeding these kittens and playing with every one of them for a few weeks. Well, 2 of the kittens were exactly the same...both of them were all gray with no other way to tell them apart. But I started to notice that every time I went outside, one of the all gray ones would come running up to me and just meow and meow until I picked her up. The other ones were kind of skittish and didn't like to be held, but without fail, this little one would literally climb up my pant leg to get the attention she wanted. I was hooked.
So, I started bringing her in to "just play with her" for about 30 minutes here and there. G was none too happy about the whole thing. I kept telling him that we were NOT going to keep her...I just had SO much fun playing with her! Heh. Of course, as soon as I showed her to G's mom, she fell in love with her. (Score one for my team!!) Slowly, I started bringing her inside more and more. And then it happened. Something that has never happened in all the times we have brought kittens into this household. We discovered that this a Daddy's Girl!

Mmm Hmm!! Yep! Mr. "You-Better-Not-Bring-Another-Cat-In-Here" is now talking baby talk every 3 seconds to this little one. She is obsessed with him!! Every time he lays down on the futon in the living room she runs over to him and curls up on him. If he tries to put her off to the side while she's sleeping, she'll just get right back up and climb back on him. If he's sitting up on the laptop and not paying her any attention, she will sit by his leg and literally scream at him until he picks her up. It's absolutely hilarious.
Needless to say, we have another kitten...another "baby" I should say. Her name is Emiko which means "smiling, blessed, beautiful one" in Japanese. We LOVE unusual names. We just call her "Miko" and it seems like she's already starting to learn it. The other cats are getting used to the whole thing pretty well, although they should be used to new kittens by now!! She LOVES to play...I've brought out every single toy that the cats own, and I think she's played with every single one of them. She plays so hard and then she'll sleep like a log for a few hours. It's like for 2 hours, sleep for 2 hours. So funny. She's one of the sweetest kittens I've ever seen! And I'm not being partial or anything.
Welcome to the family, Miko! Enjoy it because you're the last one for a loooooong time!