Here are some cutie patootie pictures I took a while back of Miko with my new camera. It helps that this cat is the most photogenic cat on the planet. Enjoy!

This is my blog. This is my blog on pain pills, cigarettes and Vaults. Lots and lots of Vaults. Sit back and enjoy the randomness. Or don't. It's not like I know if you're actually reading this or not. know. Read it or skip it. Won't make one bit of difference to me. But you may be missing the best little nugget of joy you've ever had in your life. I'm just sayin'.
Here are some cutie patootie pictures I took a while back of Miko with my new camera. It helps that this cat is the most photogenic cat on the planet. Enjoy!
Posted by Mare at 8:14 PM
Yay! I am so glad you are back and so happy to be reading your blog! I will definitely keep you in my prayers with your hip replacement and your mom!
Squish her for me!
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