March 16, 2008

Procrastination Unglued

Ahhh blogging. The "writer's" way of getting her inner voice heard in a way that 15 bazillion other people are too. In it's own way, blogging is a competition. The hard core bloggers out there scour the internet searching for the most popular ones to see how theirs add up. Obviously, I can't compare to "I Can Has Cheezburger." I don't have a network of people sending me hilarious pictures of cats with captions attached saying things like, "I Made You a Cookie...But I Eated It." All I can offer up is the wonderful world of Mary's Mind and hope that I get about 3 readers who think it's the least bit interesting. At least enough to come back on a semi regular basis to catch up on what's taking place in my crazy mind for that moment. Although, I do have 6 cats and 2 dogs, and I can promise that if any one of them ever speaks to me, I will take a picture and report back to you immediately. I personally believe that a blog is a way for a potential "serious writer" to completely avoid serious writing. I mean, if you use a blog for business reasons, by all means...whoopty doo. But if you blog just to brain vomit...then you're blogging with the masses, baby. If you have no aspirations to become a great author...or author at all, then blog away and have no worries. But...if you do aspire to write that great novel comparable to the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants, then blogging is the BEST way to absolutely avoid doing so. I know that I personally have been procrastinating for about ohhhh 10 years now from doing any "real" writing. But wowza...when the blogging phenomenon came about...YEE HAW! I actually had something to do with my time while I was procrastinating. Who could ask for anything more?!? I wrote a blog for an entire year...just to see if I could do it. I did, and it was entirely therapeutic and fun for me. I had somewhat of a following for a while which boosted my ego a bit, but not enough for me to actually sit down and write something of substance. For about 20 seconds, I thought about just taking my blog, printing it out and sending it to publishers. I mean hell. They'll take just about anything these days, won't they? Whatever. All I'm saying is. Here I am again - ungluing my procrastination. Get ready for a wild ride, peeps. Because let me tell you something, folks. I didn't buy a laptop for nothing.


Anonymous said...

I'll be one of your three regular readers. And thanks for coining the new word "ungluing". Just how in the heck does one unglue something, little Missy? Us older folks want to know.
Sending love,

victoria said...

glad to see you on here girlie!

Nicci said...

Thanks for the comment! Its nice to see you!